Success Stories

Motor Vehicle Accident
Client was injured while driving a semi-truck when a road-raging driver of a commercial van slammed on his brakes in front of client. Client’s case was rejected by two large national law firms who said liability could not be proven. Wolfe Law Group conducted a thorough investigation that revealed damning evidence proving liability and a strong case for punitive damages. When the liability insurer only offered $250,000 to settle the case, Wolfe Law Group filed suit and ultimately recovered $700,000 for client.
Workers’ Compensation
Client injured his meniscus ligament in his knee while on the job and had complications with blood clotting.
Motor Vehicle Accident
Client was involved in a car crash where the police officer could not determine liability. Client came to Wolfe Law Group Personal Injury Lawyers after her former attorney failed to communicate with her for months. The case was approaching the statute of limitations and client’s former attorney appeared likely to blow the statute of limitations. Client did not have any photographs of the damage to the vehicles, nor the scene of the collision. We took the case, quickly filed suit ahead of the statute of limitations running. The Defendant tried to hide from us and we tracked her down out of state and ultimately resolved the case for $20,000.
Workers’ Compensation
Client sustained injuries by aggravation of pre-existing injuries to his wrist of his non-dominant hand. Client had undergone surgery to his wrist only months before his work accident. The Client was unable to work due to the wrist aggravation injury, but the insurer blamed the prior injury and surgery. We took the case and were able to get it resolved for $16,250.
Workers’ Compensation
Client was stepping down from his parked drump truck when it was hit from behind, causing him to fall to the ground.
Workers’ Compensation
This was a thoroughly litigated workers’ compensation claim. The insurance company miscalculated our client’s weekly workers’ compensation benefits. We got the judge to order a re-calculation, causing the case value to increase drastically. The insurance company settled shortly after the judge’s order.
Premises Liability
Client sustained second degree burns to his pinky finger when a bartender failed to exercise ordinary care when serving a flaming cocktail at an Atlanta restaurant.
Motor Vehicle Accident
Client was rear ended at a traffic light. The Defendant blamed the crash on a phantom driver who fled the scene. The police report found the phantom driver at fault for the collision. Wolfe Law Group filed suit, fought the insurance companies’ liability defense, and successfully collected 100% of all insurance policies.
Motor Vehicle Accident
Husband and wife clients injured in an automobile collision where a truck pulling a horse trailer pulled out in front of our clients. The liability insurance company denied liability on the basis that our clients had the last clear chance to avoid the collision. Both husband and wife had significant pre-existing medical conditions. The liability insurer’s offer was only $7,607.73 before Wolfe Law Group Personal Injury Lawyers filed suit and litigated the case.
Motor Vehicle Accident
Client and her two children were injured when a vehicle sideswiped their vehicle in a parking lot. Client had significant pre-existing injuries and responding police could not find either party at fault. Wolfe Law Group Personal Injury Lawyers demonstrated the liability insurer had significant bad faith exposure, causing the case to resolve for policy limits.
Motor Vehicle Accident
Client had significant pre-existing conditions reflected in her medical records. Wolfe Law group was able to obtain policy limits despite client’s significant pre-existing injuries.
Motor Vehicle Accident
Client t-boned an at-fault driver when the defendant driver failed to yield to our client. The impact was low speed, and the vehicle damage was minimal. The case was in a venue with a reputation for very conservative juries. Client’s medical treatment was non-surgical.
Motor Vehicle Accident
Client and her daughter were rear-ended while stopped to make a right turn at an intersection. The Defendant at-fault driver was an employee of a nationwide corporation. Wolfe Law Group discovered during litigation that the defendant had a significant history of speeding and reckless driving and her employer had knowledge of her dangerous driving history and yet chose to employ her and give her a company vehicle.
Motor Vehicle Accident
Wolfe Law Group Personal Injury Lawyers obtained policy limits for three separate insurance policies for a client with extensive pre-existing conditions who was rear-ended. The client was actually under treatment for pre-existing conditions at the time of her motor vehicle collision. Wolfe Law Group litigated the case and was able to get client top-dollar value.
Motor Vehicle Accident
Policy limits resolution in a low speed minimum impact parking lot collision case.
Workers’ Compensation
Hotly contested catastrophic workers’ compensation claim involving significant litigation. Wolfe Law Group Personal Injury Lawyers won at the hearing level and at the appellate level. The case was resolved for $427,130 (including MSA) after we threatened to take the case to court again.
State Bar of Georgia member Justin L Wolfe, rated by Super Lawyers Expertise Best of 2024 Top 40 under 40 National Trial Lawyers